Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Rainy days aren't so grey after all
The rain actually brought in some interesting business opportunities for some industries.
- Cabby biz
- Car repair business
and one more.... not business related though,
- An Escape from ponds and reservoirs for those that swim :D
Interesting when you really think about it! This fishes and tortises in MacRitche reservoir could be thinking of escape route that their ancestors once done it 20 over years ago...hee... its like scene in 'finding Nemo'!
Rain also means its time to walk with my boots. Yup, my boots take rest for almost 9 months in a year and now its time to 'work', or rather walk. Hee.. So winter!
Actually rain is liquid form of SNOW... so (if you give n take), can just take the rain as snow if you happen to walk outside :)
Merry merry Xmas!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Gone with the Haze, Hello Sun and Rain
We never missed out on weekend jog even though my consultation schedule is tight.
Last Sunday, we went in the evening after rain... air was great and we saw this phemonenon "mist floating above water" very interesting.
Me, a photo taking person, take down the mist that make the whole reservoir looks as like we in high land. Not very clear with my 1.3 mega pixel. Maybe its time to change to cyber shot phone :D

On a contra, last Saturday, I got this lovely sun set from my place. Quite a scene I felt :D

" Take time to enjoy nature... you find new aspiration "
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
这里每天多是多烟 (不是雾OK!)的,好灰,好灰。。。
着烟雾弥漫的天,不是浪漫, 也不是秋天来临的象征。。。
给的是国家的烦恼,人民的不便 (身体不适,户外运要减少。。。。)
"今天PSI:74 - 中等水平 (加油,加油!)” 我很想快快去跑步,游泳OK!保佑,保佑 : )
Everyday is a learning day
When we learn something or have too much things in our mind, the best to do is:
"Pen it down"
I do not really love writing. Nevertheless, as there is chinese saying:
I better write down things that come to me, before time sweep away from me :)
Legalising Sea Turtle egg picking - Weird Law!
Yesterday morning, I heard about this news in FM933... I was like 'Hur, what stupid legalisation is this?'
Yes, this state (I should not mention the country) wants to legalise Turtle egg picking so as to prevent illegal activity. When this was announced, the Wild life conservative group strongly protested. Well, I protested too, in the car though.
Sea Turtle is one of the endangered and going to extinct marine life.
The sad thing is these young turtles sometimes, do not even have a chance to live to fight to the sea.... They ended up in someone's stomach! (angry)
I remember last year, there was news on the young turtles being hatched in east coast parks (Surprise!) They missed their way to the sea and dropped into the drain instead (cute!) Some young parkers saw and called the park rangers to arrange to put them back to the sea. So kind hearted...... I thought, the mama turtle must be very intelligent to have selected
Some funny discussions we have when we are in the car, after hearing this news:
* Since East coast is quite safe place to hatch, we should direct more turtles to come......
We are peaceful animal loving country! Then, how to DIRECT the TURTLES??? No answer...
* The TRUTH about Ninja Turtle...
A: what is the benefit of eating turtle eggs? These egg picking people are bad...
B: I don't know...... Suppose to be good I think :P Still, they should know sea turtles going to extinct soon... Still eat! (angry)
A: Ohhhhh... So the cartoon Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle is for real!!! Perhaps these people eat the turtle egg will mutate and become Turtle!! (cru)
B: (Laugh out loud!!).... "Turtle POWER"!!
Turtles are 'long life' marine animal, hope their life will not be further shorten by human 'stupid' action and laws.
Peace "V"